1. “For this is the end

    I’ve drowned and dreamt this moment So overdue I owe them Swept away, I’m stolen

    Let the sky fall When it crumbles We will stand tall Face it all together”

    Yours, Mike

    1. ‘Stolen’… I wish there was someone to stand together with… But it never seems that way somehow… We are born alone and we die there too… Tonight I feel very alone… Not always a bad thing.

  2. Way to go Poppy! what an epic adventure you’ve been on. So totally different from sailing adventures. I can feel your ‘now what?’ ….. crikey……. how about nothing, and feel okay with that, till inspiration knocks. xxxxx

    1. Hi Lucy… Good to hear from you again. Wherever the spirit takes me. It’s all about love, the sacred heart. Nothing… Something… It’s all the same to me. My Camino continues…

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