Welcome to ’Free’.

Here is a wee look at my faithful companion of more than twenty thousand nautical miles. We have sailed from the Arid southern Mediterranean to the rocky shores of Lapland over the past fourteen years. So many folk have been welcomed on board over the years; most in friendship but not all. We have weathered storms, calms, collisions, rocks… so many experiences, so many friends.

Looking down on Free from the mast.
Free resting on the anchor on the Swedish East Coast.
Free’s wheelhouse has protected me from hot and cold extremities over the years.
Free has a cutter rig, mainsail, stays’l and jib.
I have to do all my own mechanics and electrics. it’s amazing what you can do if you try.
Mid winter in Sweden is no laughing matter!
My mast lowering frame was designed by myself and built in Turkey.
Sometimes Free must come out! The sea freezes in the far north of Sweden!
So many guests over the years! I made friends with two traveller children.

Free’s Galley where many a culinary delight has been created!

Happy memories in Kalamata Greece. Free’s afterdeck has seen wonderful moments.
Mid winter and Free’s saloon provides the versatility of a comfortable double bed.
Which way? Left is Sicily, right Calabria and mainland Italy. Homeward bound, through the Straits of Messina.

Brutal on the River Thames in winter. This life is never easy.