1. I threw my staff into the sea, cup and all, and cried… There was no one there to hear me except… Well who knows.

  1. Well done Poppy! Thankyou for sharing your journey in such regular graphic detail….
    There was no-ONE there you SAW to hear you, but your act is carried by the sea to where it can be heard.
    Bye for now, Samxxx

    1. Beautiful reply Sam,
      How happy it makes me to know that you, my old shipmate were following… And yes that big, big blue witnessed my final surrender. As always in my life, the ocean has the final say. God bless you…

  2. Well, you did it. A long way, in every sense, from King’s Cross ‘Pret A Manger’!
    Now, whenever I hear “Finisterre” on the shipping forecast, I will think of you. 🙂

    1. Lovely observation and comparison… Unfortunately, Finisterre has become Fitzroy, I think after The famous Captain of the HMS Beagle, which carried Darwin on his travels. Doesn’t quite ring the same way does it?
      Think of me anyway, my kind friend, and thank you for walking with me…

    1. Yes Amanda, as usual you are very perceptive.
      I have just arrived back in London and what really surprised me is the ease I had tolerating a 26 hour coach journey from Santiago to Lille in Northern France.
      Something has changed, although what, I have no idea. Maybe something is growing? I’m feeling curiously detached and the ‘edge’ seems to have gone. I’m not sure just how temporary this is; only time will tell.

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